
I know it may be hard to understand whats going on in my life when you simply are not me. Im unhappy. Ive been unhappy for months. My life is currently dragging. When your life is headed in one direction then abruptly forced in another, unwanted direction it makes you question everything. Why is this happening, what am I doing, why am I here If im so obviously unhappy. You may not comprehend the decisions im making or have made, but if you are a part of my life and we are as close as you say or think we are, I only need your support. It may make multiple people angry, the decisions ive made, but theres no reason for it. Im unhappy and im trying to better my life. Its not really anyone elses decision besides mine. If you try to threaten me based on decisions im making or have made, dont be surprised when i cut your toxicity out of my life. In a year from now you wont even remember how this affected you. Im bettering my life so I can have a more fulfilling existance. Im choosing happiness. I just hope you can understand.

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